Error after upgrade to ver.0.20.5

After upgrade to a new version, I can’t create a new term because the button “Create New Term” in the Taxonomy became inactive, and I can’t see a floating window.
Please help.

Hi @YuriShkoda!

We did some tweaks there so it may be caused by the update in fact. Just to make sure, at first:

  • Is the Taxonomy itself set to allow creation of new terms?
  • Is the Metadata that uses the taxonomy also set to allow creation of new terms?
  • Does your user has the necessary capabilities to create and edit taxonomies?

Thank you! The answer to all three questions is yes. I tested it on our two sites in succession.

I was able to reproduce it here. We’re sorry for this, will probably need to send a fix release in the next days. Meanwhile, the way is to create terms from the taxonomy edition field instead of directly from the item form :confused:

1 curtida

If you wish, here is a development version to test the fix: - Google Drive

1 curtida

Great! Everything working fine! As usual your support are gorgeous!

2 curtidas