Delete the extraneous phrase from the Dropdown Menu

I need your help.
How can I remove the extra phrases – “All terms in Place of Breeding” from the left sidebar menu? I want to keep the search bar for those countries and the list of the countries in the dropdown menu. Also, please see the attached screenshot copy.


Hi @koeiyabe, how are you?

I’m afraid there must be some confusion… this sidebar and filters seem to not be generated by Tainacan. Aren’t you using some other plugin or theme feature that enabled it?

Yes, I use the other plugin called Search & Filter.

However, also, I have created my filter system like that screenshot copy on your Tainacan platform, so how can I put the filter system for the left sidebar on my webpages?

What you may be looking for is a way to render the Tainacan Faceted search component in your public page.

If your theme does not support Tainacan templates by default (such as Tainacan Interface or Blocksy + Integration plugin do), you can either implement support in a child theme or create a page an then insert the Faceted Search gutenberg block. That will render a list built by Tainacan with the filter set as you defined.

Yeah, I need to establish the filter and search system because I have already created my collection lists based in Tainacan, so the Tainacan Faceted search component will be an ideal way to render itself.

My theme is not originally from the Tainacan theme and also does not support the Child theme, it would be better to insert the Tainacan Faceted search component, right?

So, I need to test the Tainacan Faceted search component and the other plugin for the filter and search system, and I’ll see how it does work. I’ll let you know within a month if I have something.

Thank you for your tips! Please let me know if you have any concerns.

1 curtida


I switched from the old theme to your Tainacan interface theme, so the filter system is working well and meets my expectation.
Please see the attached screenshot copy of the notes because I want you to help to fix these problems.

  1. How can I remove “the collections” from the Top header? I don’t need the Collections page.
  2. I want to reduce the Header space.
  3. I need to delete the link button. How can I do?
  4. I want to move the “Hypothesized” to the bottom below “Rediscovered”? How can I do?
    I would really appreciate it so much if you could help me.
    I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Hi @koeiyabe!

The header height can be adjusted via “Customizer → Tainacan Items List Page → Collection Header”. However, you may wanna define your banner image in the Collection settings. You can also solve these three problems with a little bit of CSS via “Customizer → Custom CSS”. I can provide you the code if you are not familiar with.

But if you want more flexibility regarding header elements that you could tweak manually, I would recommend using Blocksy with the integration plugin. All these things can be tweaked there via “Customizer → Items list for - your collection name-”.

Unfortunately, that you cannot change. We don’t have sorting options for facets value in the filters, specially because they change dinamically depending on the current applied filters.

  1. I have already adjusted the header height via “Customizer → Tainacan Items List Page → Collection Header.” Unfortunately, it does not work, so please give me the code.
  2. I need to remove the collection page and fix the pathway. How can I do?
  3. I need to delete the link (clipboard) button. How can I do?

I tried to use the Blocksy theme, but the breed lists do not meet my expectation. I like the lists and filter system based on Tainacan.

This code should give you what you want (adjust the height as needed):

.page-header__image {
	height: 130px;	
.collection-header--share {
	display: none;
	visibility: hidden;
body[class*=post-type-archive-tnc_col_] .tainacan-interface-breadcrumbs a:nth-child(2),
body[class*=single-tnc_col_] .tainacan-interface-breadcrumbs a:nth-child(2) {
	display: none;
body[class*=post-type-archive-tnc_col_] .tainacan-interface-breadcrumbs a:nth-child(1),
body[class*=single-tnc_col_] .tainacan-interface-breadcrumbs a:nth-child(1) {
	margin-right: -0.75rem;
	background: white;
	z-index: 9;
	position: relative;

However, I would argue that pretty much any layout that you get with Interface you could get with Blocksy, as long as you use the integration plugin and dive a bit in the customizer menu.

Wow! Thank you very much for your help. My breed category pages look better.

Please see the attached screenshot copy of the breed page.
How can I delete “Collection,” “Item,” “Edit this item,” and “Metadata”?

Also see one more attached screenshot copy of the homepage.

  1. The title “Extinct Breeds” needs to be a little bit larger.
  2. I want to delete the “Back” and “Clipboard” buttons.
  3. I have already set up "Proudly powered by WordPress and Tainacan” on the footer setting on the Additional CSS page, but it does not show up on my webpages. How can I make the footer sentence show up?

I would really appreciate it if you could help me again.

Hi @koeiyabe! Again you could set this things easily with Blocksy… but here we go:

To hide some of the elements that you want to hide

.collection-name aside-thumbnail .title-page > p,
.tainacan-single-item-heading .title-page > p,
.tainacan-single-post header .header-meta,
.tainacan-title .tainacan-title-page .title-back {
    display: none;

The “Edit this item” button will not appear in a public page if you are not logged in.

The “Metadata” label can be edited via "Customizer → Tainacan Item Page → Item Metadata → “Metadata section label”. You can also change it in the collection metadata section, changing it to something like “General Information”.

The footer sentence will only show up if you don’t check the “Enable block template parts…” option up in the Footer Customizer settings. If you check that, then you should manually define the footer elements in “Admin” → “Appearence” → “Template parts” → “Footer”

Finally, site title:

header .tainacan-logo h1 {
   font-size: 2rem;

I solved some issues, but the other issues have not been solved and don’t work.

  1. I’m unable to delete “Metadata” on the breed pages.

  2. The adjustment of the site title does not work.

  3. I cannot remove the clipboard button on the homepage.
    Screen Shot 2024-04-30 at 9.47.50 PM

  4. The footer sentence still does not show up even though I set up on “Enable block template parts…” of the footer setting and “Template parts.”

If you could help again, that would be appreciated.

Try leaving the metadata section name blank in your collection metadata settings, inside Tainacan Admin;

Try the following: .max-large .tainacan-logo h1 {
	font-size: 2rem !important;

Add this:

.page header .header-meta,
.post header .header-meta,
.tainacan-single-post header .header-meta, {
   display: none !important;

In the screenshot that you shared, the “Proudly powered…” sentence appears… but in any case, you can still set this manually in the template parts, right?

Thank you very much again for your help. Those issues are almost solved.
The last issue is to remove “Metadata.”

I tried to leave blank in the metadata section name of my collection metadata settings, but it does not work.

I hope this helps you.

#metadata-section-default_section.title-content-items {
   display: none;

Everything is finally solved.
I sincerely appreciate your great help.
Please close this ticket.
Wishing all the best luck in the prosperity of your business.

1 curtida

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