How to remove "Metadata" section name from items page

I need to remove this “Metadata” section name from the items page.

I tried to change it through collection metadata settings, but could not find any option to edit that medatata section name (leave it blank).

This option (removing the “metadata” tittle) used to be in the theme customization section (I’m using Blocksy) but now I can not get rid of it :slight_smile:

Hi @Vedran_Serbu. We’re investigating how to solve this, it is a capabilities issue. For now, we have two steps that can provide a temporary solution:

  1. Go to you WordPress admin panel → Access the Tainacan submenu Roles page → Edit your user role capabilites → Just hit the update/save button → Reload Tainacan Admin and try again.
  2. If that doesn’t work, we’re using a plugin that does some magic… Install this. Go to the Users submenu in the WordPress Admin → User roles and capabilities → Select your user role (if it is the admin, you may have to go to the plugin settings to enable editing it) → Just hit the blue update button. → Reload the Tainacan admin button.

Tell us if that works. We’re sorry for that!

It worked, thank you so much for your effort! :slight_smile:


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