I need some advice:
I have now 3 independent taxonomies:
- Personal Names (e.g. the persons on the foto or he/she mentioned in docu)
- Working Place Names (e.g. where persons worked before)
- Item owner (digital content owner)
Probably many Item owners will be in No.1 or No.2 Taxonomies. So it will be a redundancy.
Should I put them under on taxonomy? E.g. “Names of Property”?
Hi @Losonczi!
Can you give us more details, like an example? I believe I understood but no entirelly. There could be different scenarios for modeling this, such as using hierarchical taxonomies or even relationships instead of taxonomies. But I’m not 100% sure of your case.
Also, just keep in mind that one collection can only use a certain taxonomy in one way. So for example, you could not have two taxonomy metadata using the same “people” taxonomy as source. They would have to be from different taxonomies, thus a redundancy would end happening.
Don Joe is an artist worked in German Theater and the Item is a photo about him worked in this thater and he ownes the photo.
- Personal Names = Don Joe
- Working Place Names: Wintergarten Theater
- Item owner: Don Joe
Probably hierarchical taxonomies would be better:
Property names:
---- Personal Names: Don Joe
---- Organisation: Wintergarten Theeater
In this case
- Personal Names = Don Joe
- Working Place Names: Wintergarten Theater
- Item owner: Don Joe
I can’t see well the difference between the first proposal and the second
But I can say that you won’t be able to fetch Don Joe from the same taxonomy in two different metadata (Personal Names and Item Owner). In that case you would need two “People” Taxonomies, with a certain redundancy. That is a WordPress limitation: a post can only be bound to a taxonomy term in one single way.
One possible way of linking twice to the same person is using a relationship instead of taxonomy. You could have a collection of “People” and then use two relationship metadata. This has other advantages such as being able to use it inside a compound metadatum.
ok.I undestand. Sorry I was not clear:
I started with three different taxonomies:
- Personal People
- Working Place Names
- Item Owners.
Than I realised that in many cases the Item Owner will be the same person in the Personal People taxonomy, So it will be redundant. And same issue can be with Working Places.
So I thought maybe Structural Taxonomy can be a good idea:
One taxonomy: Property names
And Childs:
Personal Names
Organisation names.
- Personal Names = Fetching from Property names>>>Personal Names
- Working Place Names: Fetching from Property names>>>Organisation Names
- Item owner: Don Joe Fetching from Property names>>>Personal Names
or in same cases
3. Item owner: Don Joe Fetching from Property names>>>Organisation Names
While that seems to work you might face the problem that I mentioned (of having more than one metadata fetching from the same taxonomy). Unless you do it all in one metadata… but I’m not sure, can you give a try and let us know how it goes? Have considered the relationships scenario?