I’m setting up an tainacan instance for one of our archival centers. They have 1000’s of units of digital content, probably devided between several dozen achival collections and fonds. Those collections and fonds will be described with probably same set of metadata.
I’m not sure is it better to define one colleciton for the whole archival center, and define real collections with taxonomy (e.g. metadata taxonomy FOND ID), or to have multiple collections within that repository, but I remember when I started with my first project in Tainacan 2 years ago, and defined multiple collections within repository (I created 80 collecions), everything really slowed down, espetially in customizing section. Do you have any input there?
If a set of items is to be described by the same metadata, then please pleaaase do not create multiple collections
. Separate them via Taxonomy Terms.
Basically that is because each collection in Tainacan is a post type for WordPress and WordPress checks in several instances of which are the registered post types, causing your search performance to suffer, no matter if you have reasonable values such as 1000, even 20000 itens.
The major drawback that I can see for Taxonomies is just that user capabilities (editing permissions) and some theme customizations (like Blocksy’s) are in fact bound to collections instead of Taxonomy terms. But you can still have separate links for each Term Items List, even including a Term description and a Term image in the header, as you would with Collections. Also remember to use repository-level metadata if you are planning to show them in Taxonomy Term lists, as they only display metadata that are common to all collections.
1 curtida
I thought as much, thank you.
One thing I’m not sure how to do:
Example: when I use e.g. taxonomy “Place: Croatia” and as taxonomy, Croatia is link. Is there any way when I click on that taxonomy value to have results from items with value Croatia but just for one sub-set of items within collection, not all items from the whole Collection? That sub-set is going to be in fact real collection within our arhival centre and it is going to be defined by another taxonomy named FOND ID.
I dont know if this is making any sense to you? 
PS: Maybe that is Term Items list but I did not get to that part of Tainacan yet, if that is Term Items list, then I will study it promply 
That link is what I’m calling Taxonomy Term Items list, indeed. But, as you might have already guessed, it includes all items from all collections that have any taxonomy metadata with that term from that taxonomy (sometimes I feel dumb writing all these wording
Well well… I’m not sure 100% if I understood what you are looking for. There are two features that look similar to that:
- Term hierarchy: you could have a child term that would be the fond. Then you would have only items that have the “Croatia > Fond ID”;
- There is an option in the Taxonomy Metadata form that allows you to filter the Term link by only a certain set of collections, instead of displaying items from all collections… try that and see if it makes sense.
What I’m trying to tell, but probably not making sense is this. In the first project, it was all simple because we had only one real collection of postcards (but with 1975 items) defined inside one Tainacan collection.
Now I would like to install new Tainacan instance with several smaller real archival fonds, but in Tainacan those fonds will be within just one Tainacan collecion. One fond is going to be about postcards, one fond is going to be about some fotographs, one fond is going to be some documents, but all those fonds are sharing the same set of metadata and taxonomies.
What I’m thinking is when I click on taxonomy term items list from one postcard item (e.g. place) to have results only from postcards, not from postcards, photos, documents etc… I know when I get the results, on that page I could use filters, but probably not before the results page. I’m just asking, I know it is probalby dificult to implement, as it is difficult for me to explain it LOL
Did you find a result?