Error 403 on multiple webhosting services


When trying to create a collection, I get Error 403, Error 403!

It seems that you are not allowed to access this content. Your user might have a role with insufficient capabilities. If that is not the case, check if you are correctly logged in on the WordPress Admin panel.

Request details: /collections/1268?context=edit

I am logged in on WP admin, and I have all of the permissions. I also downloaded the plugin Members and checked to see that I have all permissions, gave myself both the admin and Tainacan admin role, and created a separate login with the Tainacan Admin role, and that doesn’t work.

Importing a collection works for some items, but I can’t create or edit any items, collections, filters, or metadata.

This is all the same for multiple website hosting services I have tried to run Tainacan on, on clean WP installs. The only one that lets me do anything at all with Tainacan is heliohost. The server specifications for that are here: Tommy - HelioHost

Here are screenshots of the error and the System Requirements for some of the hosts.

I don’t know where to find the logs for errors on Tainacan, either.

On all hosts, I also get these on the Site Health screen:

A PHP session was created by a session_start() function call. This interferes with REST API and loopback requests. The session should be closed by session_write_close() before making any HTTP requests.

The REST API request failed due to an error.
Error: cURL error 28: Operation timed out after 10001 milliseconds with 0 bytes received (http_request_failed)’

I don’t know if it’s some kind of authentication problem or anything. My username and passwords are all fine for the mysql databases.

Thank you so much for your help, I hope we can figure this out.

Hi @chalmette_battlefield, welcome to our forum!

Thank you for this very detailed report. Let’s try to figure out what may be the cause of this error.

There should be no need to change capabilities and permissions from start, at least if you are administrator. Of the warnings mentioned above, I would recommend checking the PHP maximum execution time, it is better to set a higher value to it. But I don’t believe this would be really the cause…

We have never tried using this hosting service (I’ve tried with Hostinger, Hostgator and KingHost) but I’ll do some tests here and let you know later if I can find a possible reason for that.

Thank you! I’ll try making accounts with some of those hosting services and let you know if I have any issues. I’m using Tainacan to keep track of lots of different types of inventory, so I love how customizable everything is.

I can’t change the PHP max execution time, but it looks like it’s 60 seconds, which should be okay, I think. Again thanks so much for your help!

Hey @chalmette_battlefield did you have any progress? I’ve been trying to install a WordPress on a HelioHost instance that I created, but it is really buggy, never completing the task…

Hi, what are the bugs exactly? Also, I didn’t create an account on the other sites since they’re paid. Heliohost is the only free service that I can get Tainacan to work on

It took me quite a time to be able to install WP on it , service kept being interrupted. Right now I can’t even access the cpanel :frowning:

I looked on the site and this happened so…not sure what I’m going to do with my site now. I need a free host, and this is the only one I can get Tainacan to work on. :confused:


Thats weird.

Yeah free hosting is a challenge… can you tell me other ones that you tried so that I can do my tests too?

I’ve tried InfinityFree, Byethost, wix, Woomhosting, and Ultifree.

Edit: I was able to create a collection on this free host! No 403 errors.

Okay, nevermind, I got Error 400 - importers/session/60f059388230e when trying to import my collection

I think importing CSVs is breaking wordpress here…it just wants to reinstall it even though it’s already installed.

Ok, good to know something is starting to work heheheh;

You might wanna check if CSV files are allowed on your folder. Try just uploading one to the WP media library first. Also tell us if everything is fine in the Tainacan System Check page as you did beforw.

CSV Files are allowed - and the Tainacan System Check page is fine too. From what I can tell, during the importing Tainacan is sending out too many queries and overloading the database resources. I installed a plugin called Query Monitor that was supposed to help figure out what was wrong, but nothing came up on it during the import showing that the server was overloaded…so once again, no clue. I even installed caching plugins etc to try to minimize it, and no luck there either. I think Tainacan just doesn’t work with free hosting, unfortunately.

Hey @vnmedeiros which was the procedure that you use for disabling LOGs on the importer? I am not sure if that could be a solution, but maybe it could reduce the oveload of requests.

@chalmette_battlefield Importers also generate a log error, which you can access in the Process list, maybe we could take a look at it as well.

Hello. Any thoughts on that issue? I’m having the same problem at Byethost, cannot create collections. Thanks.

Hi @clisio. We are investigating this, I created an account there. It might be something related to their security module blocking PUT and PATCH requests in favor of POST ones… we’ll do some tests and give feedback.

apparently it’s an anti bot system:

maybe trying to contact Bytehost support might be a way out.

So I couldn’t fix this issue with byethost, and since my account it’s free they won’t help.
But I found another free host, called x10hosting, and is working very well. Also they have a better cpanel to setup the db. The only downside is the disk space, only 512Mb, but that’s ok for me.

1 curtida

@chalmette_battlefield, I don’t know how things ended up for you, but just to let you know, our latest release (0.20.2), should fix that PHP session_start error message.

1 curtida

Dear @mateus.m.luna , I am on 0.20.7 and I still get this error.
I get it when trying to rename a metadata name.
Any advice?