Hello, is it possible to open sub-collections under a collection in Tainacan? I searched but could not find any clear information.
Hi @VSaydam, welcome to our forum!
The short answer is no. We could not find yet a way to properly represent sub-collections under the WordPress structure. We understand this desire might come from experiences with softwares like Atom, that have more archivology features. Our features possibly won’t offer you the exact same result.
Now, what we have been doing for this kind of demand, is to organize the items not by collections, but by hierarchical Taxonomies. You can have items belonging to a same collection but separared by a Taxonomy that has terms with child terms. Outside the admin, users will still be able to see dedicated pages with listing to the Term and Child Term, just like they would with child collections.
Let us know if this makes sense and if you want more details about the ups and downs of the strategy don’t hesitate to ask!