OAI interface errors

Dear developers,

Recently, I intended to add my repository to various registries such as OpenAIRE, Baase Search, OpenArchives, and others. However, it has come to my attention that the validation tests performed by these registries reveal critical errors in the OAI interface of Tainacan, rendering it currently unsuitable for integration with the mentioned registries. The technical support team at OpenAIRE has assisted in identifying these issues.

  1. baseURL supplied https://files.fti.dp.ua/wp-json/tainacan/v2/oai does not match the baseURL in the Identify response https://files.fti.dp.uawp-json/tainacan/v2/oai/. The baseURL you enter must EXACTLY match the baseURL returned in the Identify response. It must match in case (http://Wibble.org/ does not match http://wibble.org/) and include any trailing slashes etc. Also missing “/” before wp-json, and unnecessary “/” after oai
  2. Lists of metadata critical error: https://files.fti.dp.ua/wp-json/tainacan/v2/oai?verb=GetRecord&metadataPrefix=oai_dc&identifier=ListMetadataFormats@https://files.fti.dp.ua/wp-json/tainacan/v2/oai
  3. List sets critical error: https://files.fti.dp.ua/wp-json/tainacan/v2/oai?verb=GetRecord&metadataPrefix=oai_dc&identifier=ListSets@https://files.fti.dp.ua/wp-json/tainacan/v2/oai


  1. When I use taxonomies for specific Dublin Core metadata, these metadata fields remain empty during the data element structure check through the OAI interface: https://files.fti.dp.ua/wp-json/tainacan/v2/oai?verb=GetRecord&metadataPrefix=oai_dc&identifier=oai:files.fti.dp.ua:[item-ID]


  1. The functionality to add and map additional DC metadata is not working at either the repository or individual collection level. The ability to add and map new metadata elements will enable better integration and compatibility with registries.

I would greatly appreciate it if you could address these issues as soon as possible.

Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.


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It’s a shame that after a year there are no answers, and no any fixes. It really disappointed me that the repository doesn’t work exactly as a repository, but as a file graveyard.
I feel that unlike other repositories, Tainacan’s beautiful visuals have misled me. In any case, I will not recommend this system to anyone.

Hi @Yurii! We’re really sorry that your message was let unanswered. We don’t mean to be rude!

We try to keep an eye on every new message that we know how to answer and possibly we wanted to elaborate a more detailed answer for you and ended up forgetting about it.

To summarize, as we stated in other OAI-related topics such as this one, OAI integration is not something we have had time to properly implement in the last years. This was an initial goal of the project and we still have that desire, but its use cases are less appealing in our community and we must prioritize things according to our resources. We even removed the section that mentions this as feature from the plugin description a year ago because we don’t believe it is more than an experimental work so far.

That said, there is an initial development from that area and we can provide guidance to any developer that is interested on pushing this feature towards. Our plugin is currently maintained by a couple of developers with some other small external contributions and it would be great to have input from others to expand on areas that aren’t our expertise, such as this one.

I hope you don’t feel offended by all the delay. It is clear in our understanding that Tainacan won’t fit well to every use cases and it might be your situation. If you want to follow future releases discussion around this, I can suggest taking a look at this issue.

Wish you good luck with your projects!