I have an authors field that accepts multiple values. When the record is published, Tainacan shows the authors list in alphabetical order. How can I avoid this, so that authors are shown in the order they were added to the record?
Gulp! This is extremely important as you might guess, Mateus. The order of authors is very relevant in many types of works. I hope this can be addressed soon. I will wait to resolve the items list templates to see if with what I can learn from that, I can add a new meta datum to item page with the reference of the work.
Yeah I understand the need but it is not something we have close in our roadmap because it adds a lot of complexity .
Specially because we do not have a proper structure on the database to save this now. Imagine that for each collection, for each item, for each metadata, you should have an information that saves the order in which every value should appear. We need more hands to put his in practice, but will be happy to provide guidance if any developer is aiming to face this task
My reaction to this problem would be that, in the same way that title and description ares fixed fields, authors should be, so that the problem would concern only that field. I do not know if this makes sense.
Authorship is a complex matter. In fact, for different fields of study, even Title and Description are questionable information. WordPress database does offer author field by default but it is bind to the item creation (users registered in the system who did created the post).
In Tainacan context, authors could be used by so many areas… picture that author for a repository of paintings is the person who painted it, but author for a repository of movies is not necessarily just the director, there are producers and actors…
So the challenge is to build something that is generic and at the same time flexible enough to be adapted in these scenarios. There will be off course a limit to how many options we can add to the metadata settings, so we keep thinking about the possible trade offs before adding new options. In this case of the order of value it is really more a technical challenge.
I agree, Mateus. I was thinking of the Dublin core notion of creators and some way (it might not be possible) that the authors of an item were the authors of the corresponding post.
I take the advantage of your time to keep asking questions about the view plugin I am working on. Now that it works and can be seen in views avalaible (it was a problem with option “Hide thumbnails” activated), I am trying to understand how to get the value of a specific field of a post in the loop. For example, I have a field with ID 144212 (I got it from source code when editing a post). Will the following make sense (I have not tried yet):
Custom function to get the value of a specific field.
@param int $field_id The ID of the field to retrieve.
@param int|string $item_id (Optional) The item ID. Default is the global $post.
@return string The HTML output of the specific field.
function get_custom_field_value($field_id, $item_id = 0) {
$args = array(
‘metadata__in’ => $field_id,
while (have_posts()) : the_post();
$current_item_id = get_the_ID();
// Replace 144212 with the actual ID of the field you want to retrieve
$field_value_1 = get_custom_field_value(144212, $current_item_id);