Item image cut off on the right side


I think I’ve found some issue in the new version of the Tainacan 0.18.5 that was not happening in the 0.17 version. The image of the item is cut off slightly on the right side of the image, you can see it in attached image. I tried changing the size of the containers, both for image or for metadata, but could not change the problem.

It is demonstrated in the below image, the arrow should go from left edge to the right edge but you can see, the image is cut off on the right side. When I click on the image, the media viewer is showing the image correctly, it is only the issue on the item page.

I’ll take a look. Can you provide me with the public link? It’s easier to inspect directly on the page.

Unfortunately I’m still in testing phase so Wordpress page with Tainacan is on my local windows machine, but I’ll see what I can do, I should start to put it online anyway.

I think I’m going to put everything online starting next week so I’ll send a link.

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Hi again!

I uploaded for the time being my “under construction web”. This is the link to the most obvious image that I created just for this purpose, it is cut off, trimmed on the right side when showed on item page. You can see the other images are trimmed too, but on this one is obvious because of the arrow and everything.


Can you tell me what is the issue here?

I’m using Blocksy theme.

Thank you for the effort for providing the link! It is certainly something with the Blocksy Support plugin. It is not something obvious, I tried a couple of tricks here… so I’ll came back as soon as I can with a solution and possibly fix.

After recent update to 0.18.8 the problem is solved and the images are shown properly. Thank you!

:+1: :grinning:

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Nice! Sorry for letting this without answer. We shall have important updates to the media component on the next version, I hope to count on you for some basic tests :wink:

Of course! :+1: