Space between navigation buttons and metadata

is there some CSS to help me reduce space between navigation buttons and metadata space on item page , it can be seen on image3.

Hi @Vedran_Serbu!

Yes, there is in the customizer. You should look for your collection Item setting (the single settings, not the archive settings), scroll down to the Navigation module and there you should be able to reduce the container spacing.


If you already set this to 0 and it is not enough, I can give you a CSS snippet to make it even smaller, the spacing may be coming from another place. In that case please provide me with a link to make things easier to inspect :slight_smile:

It’s already 0, here is the link of one of the items:

Uhmm ok, it seems that the class to blame is the one where the metadata section is in:

So in your Custom CSS (you can add from the Customizer menu), you could add something like this:

.tainacan-item-single-page .tainacan-item-section {
    margin-bottom: 0px !important;

Perfect! Thx! :slight_smile: