Error when viewing metadata popup windows

Good morning, I installed the latest version of Tainacan on WordPress and I have problems when I open the metadata editing window. The window appears cut off, and it is impossible to work this way. I tried in both Chrome and Firefox browsers and had the same problem in both. What could be happening?

Hi @Ariel_PInk, welcome to our forum!

Can you share a screenshot with us so I can take a look at your screen settings dimension? Here Is one of mine in a 1366x740px screen:

Wooosh there is some weird css conflict going on there! It’s not supposed to appear like that, specially looking on the side you should not be seeing part of the admin.

Can you tell me which plugins do you have enabled so I can do some tests and check if one of them could be using a conflicting style with ours?

Sorry for the delay in responding. I disabled this plugin NextGEN Gallery and it worked, but of course, I use the plugin to generate image galleries

Yeah the conflicting style is coming from their modal script:

It is a bad practice to enqueue styles or scripts that are not necessary out of the context of the plugin. They should register and enqueue them only on their page and not on the entire WordPress admin… My suggestion is to open a support topic either via their site or via WordPress forum:

1 curtida