Translation of input fileds and more

Hello TAINACAN team!!
First of all THANK YOU for a wonderfull plugin/solution for digital archives!
I would like to know if I can use Loco Translate (or other plugin if you think it is better) to translate small parts of the plugin.
I am working with Blocksy and I want some parts to be in Greek !
I would be more than happy to contibute with translating some of the front end to Greek :slight_smile:

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Hi @Alkis, welcome to our forum!

I’m sorry for the late answer, yesterday was a holiday in Brazil.
We’re glad that you are enjoying the plugin! And also really happy to see someone from Greece using it!

Regarding translations, yes, you should be able to use translation plugins. While I have not used Loco yet, I’ve seen users playing with it and also TranslatePress and PolyLang. What I cannot say is how much of it would be done “automatically” by the plugin and how much you would have to handle manually. So give it a try and let us know if you have any doubts! Maybe our French user @jacki.pilon could give us some insight of his experience.

That said, most of the content that you see in your content that is not translated comes from our plugin. We have translations open in the WordPress repository:

You are free to create a user there and start translating to Greek if you are feeling adventurous and we are totally open to help you with any doubts in this process!

Thanks!! I changed some setting in Loco Translate and it works like a charm!!!
If I get to a good % of translated contect I will send you the po file :slight_smile:

1 curtida